bluHorseShoe loves…

lucky for some ;)

Friday the 13th, lucky for some…

13.02.2009 (9:01 am) – Filed under: bluHorseShoe ::

Today is the official launch of although I’ve been testing the concept for a couple of weeks now. Last week, I was very busy but intend to post at least a few tweets everyday in the form of “bluHorseShoe loves… something cool on the web”, substituting “something cool on the web” for a website that I love.

Please feel free to tell me about your own website or some cool website that you have found and if I love it, I’ll tell everyone I know… It probably won’t send it’s share price through the roof just yet, especially in the current climate, but hey you never know…

And as my dear departed Grandmother used to say:

“Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe”

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